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Aflac – Frequently Asked Questions

What is Aflac?

Aflac is insurance for daily living. It helps covered persons by paying them cash benefits, unless assigned, to help with out-of-pocket expenses that arise from covered accidents or illnesses. In the event of a covered loss, cash is paid to covered persons regardless of any other insurance they may have.


How can I apply for Aflac insurance?

Aflac insurance policies can be obtained on an individual basis or made available by your employer. However, it is always better to apply if it is made available by your employer to take advantage of payroll rates and possible pre-tax, payroll deductions.


How many employees are required for payroll accounts?

Aflac requires that at least three employees apply for at least one policy type to be considered a payroll account.


How much does Aflac cost our company?

There are no direct costs to your company. You may even have possible tax savings when employees pay their premiums with pre-tax payroll deductions.


How much do Aflac policies cost for employees?

Prices vary and may be based on plan type, age of applicant, and level of coverage.


How much administration is required for employers who enroll in Aflac services?

Virtually none. Aflac agents are sent to the employer facility for all enrollments, and there is a service center that handles all claims or billing issues. The only administration required by the employer is processing a monthly billing reconciliation. This can also be done online for even more administrative ease.


Our company uses a third-party payroll company. Does it cost us more money to have them process Aflac payroll deductions?

No. The fees you pay third-party companies to process payroll typically include Aflac premium deductions.


Do we need to wait for our group health insurance open enrollment to apply for Aflac policies and services?

No. Aflac operates on its own cafeteria plan, and is completely independent of your major medical health insurance.


What happens if an employee covered by Aflac leaves the company?

Simple … you indicate the employee has terminated employment on the monthly billing reconciliation. The covered person now has the choice to pay premiums directly or to jump onto the new employer’s Aflac payroll group to take advantage of pre-tax savings. All Aflac policies are portable.



Aflac Frequently Asked Questions

Coverage underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of New York.


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